I am Nicolas and I have been passionate about helping others since I was a kid.

Despite being specialized in neuroscience and psychology, I have also worked as a language professor, a human resources consultant, and a writer. The best part, I have done all these things in four languages and more than 7 countries!

I often integrate my expertise in learning, psychology, speech therapy, and behavioral therapy to educate others on any topic related to mental health.

From copywriting to fiction writing and everything in between, I have dived deep into every dimension of the art of writing and I have loved every syllable.

We often find ourselves in positions where we do not know what to think or how to feel about something. The experience of not knowing why we did something is also beyond common.

My mission is simple, to help everyone learn something new every day, making the world a better place in the process... one word at a time.

Medium member since September 2024
Nicolas Otero

Nicolas Otero

I am a psychologist, professor, writer, and HR consultant who is constatly trying to make the world a better place. One word at a time.